General Settings

General settings are defined in two-levels.

  1. On the plugin level, under Settings->Tablecloth.

  2. On the table level, under Edit Table->General Settings.

Table level settings override plugin settings.

Check "Override General Settings" to show the list of settings under a given table.

List of Settings

Components: Which components should be enabled. List of components:

  • Filters: General free-text filter

  • Columns Display: Columns dropdown allowing the user to select which columns should be displayed.

  • Pagination

  • Entries Count

  • Pages Count

  • Records per Page: records per page dropdown. See Per Page Values setting.

  • Selectable Rows: Adds a checkbox column that allows for selecting rows.

By default Filters, Pagination and Entries Count are enabled.

Table Height in Pixels: The table has a fixed height to allow for sticky headers. Defaults to 450px.

(initial) records per Page: Initial number of records per page. Can be changed by the user if the Records per Page component is enabled.

Per Page Values: a comma separated list of per page values. Only relevant when the Records Per Page component is enabled.

Date Format: Default format to be used for rendering date fields. Must be a valid date-fn format. Defaults to dd/MM/yyyy.

Datetime Format: Default format to be used for rendering datetime fields. Defaults to dd/MM/yyyy HH:ii:ss

Time Format: Default format to be used for rendering time fields. Defaults to HH:ii:ss.

Search Debounce: Idle time in milliseconds before a search is triggered on the free-text filter. Defaults to 300ms. The purpose is to prevent running the search for every keystroke.

Pagination Chunk: Maximum pages to display on the pagination component. Clicking the next (>) or prev (<) buttons will move over to relevant chunk.

Thumbnail Width: The size of the thumbnail on Assets columns. Defaults to 100px.

Last updated